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William Blake, Joseph Turner & Benedict Arnold

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St Mary's Battersea, A Church with an open heart and an open mind

Our Vision    

Forward looking 

We believe
that God continues to lead and guide us into new ways of thinking and that the discoveries of science, archaeology and psychology can change our previous understandings of the Bible and Church teaching. We do not claim to know the whole truth, but to be on a learning journey together in our Christian faith. 

We welcome
this opportunity to live and learn together as a prayerful, searching and questioning community, working for justice, showing care and concern for the environment and deepening our faith, and trust in God. 


We believe in a God of love who comes to us in many ways: in worship; through the Sacraments, especially the Sacrament of the Eucharist; through prayer, and through our meeting together week by week. 

We welcome the opportunity to be channels of peace in the world through our compassion, our care, our forgiveness and our love for one another.


We believe that everyone is created equal and in the image of God.  We value each person's life experience and we try to learn from one another. We encourage children to develop their spirituality on an equal basis to adults. 

We welcome all people equally into our community regardless of relationship status, colour, disability or sexual orientation.  As a church we support the full inclusion of women in the ordained ministry.


We believe in a God of extraordinary and imaginative creativity, and that we are enriched as a community by our wide variety of nationalities, races, life-styles, relationships and ages. 

Although as Christians we believe that God has been revealed supremely in Christ, we also respect the diversity of other major world religions, whose wisdom can enrich our own spiritual experience of life, prayer and service.

We welcome people
regardless of how much or how little faith people have when they join us. We rejoice in our individuality and diversity. 


We believe that music and art can be a source of inspiration and joy raising the thoughts and emotions of heart and soul to worship God. The Church has strong connections with both art and literature through William Blake, who was married here, and Joseph Turner, who painted the River from the Vestry window.

We welcome our wide musical tradition drawing out the best of music over the centuries and are open to new expressions of music in worship as well as maintaining a traditional English choral tradition.


St Mary's stands on one of the earliest known consecrated sites on the South Bank of the Thames. The original church was built as early as 800 AD, presumably by the Saxons, and the present Grade 1 listed building was completed in the Georgian style in 1777 to replace the dilapidated medieval church.  Benedict Arnold and his family are buried in the crypt, and the church has further links with the botanist William Curtis and the explorer "Scott of the Antarctic." 

Christians have worshipped here regularly for well over 1000 years and continue to do so to this day. The Spencer family has been patron of the church for 200 years.     

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