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Portrait of Louis XVI


Many thanks for sending me the image of the unfortunate Louis XVI. However, it is not the one I was seeking which is full-length and depicts the King dressed in his coronation robes.
I am genuinely sorry that it is not the image I am seeking as I would have enjoyed doing some business with you. You are very thoughtful, prompt and curteous...

J.                                                               Sept 2000




Portrait of the Duke of Monmouth


The Monmouth portrait arrived safely and it is excellent. My wife will be very pleased to receive it as a 40th birthday present.  She is a collector of all things Monmouth and has most of the books published about him.
Thanks once again.

G. B. USA                                                   Sept 2000




The Book of the Marine Aquarium, or Practical Instructions on the Formation,  Stocking and Management in All Seasons, of Collections of Marine Animals and Plants.. 

Shirley Hibberd

Have received the book and am positively delighted!  The price was eminently fair and the text itself is a joy.  I am  (as might be guessed) an avid marine aquarist and I wanted to learn more about how things were done in the days before high technology. 

 M. J. R. USA                                             June 2000




Birds of Town and Country 

W. D. Campbell. Illustrated by Basil Ede

Thanks for your good service. Mr. S, got his book and, in his daughter's words, "My mother scared the heart out of me today!!! She called me at work and in a very scary quiet voice said, "Susan, your father..." and she paused. And I just knew the next words were going to be " dead." But they weren't. They were " absolutely beside himself. He is so upset. He doesn't know how he is going to repay this woman. He is overwhelmed. He is.... Just wait until you see these books. They are unbelievable. He is just beside himself. Etc., etc."

I, of course, do not paint anything except walls. Mr. S. loves birds and admires Ede's work greatly. So to get this book to him by Internet was easy for me, and brought me accolades I don't deserve. You get credit for it and for your courtesy.

Thank you.

C. S.                                                             April 2000




Days Near Rome

Augustus J.C. Hare

Just a note to let you know that my husband was thrilled with the book and it was a surprise. He has been "revisiting" Rome all morning. The only problem is that this gift may turn out to be more expensive than I thought. Now he wants to go back!!

Thanks for your help and prompt service.

 Elizabeth                                                     April 2000




A Treatise on Practical Gauging 

Nesbit & Little

I have received the book and I am very happy with it.  I am much more interested in the contents of the book than the cosmetics, so the condition doesn't bother me at all.  Thank you for being up front about it, and for giving me the opportunity to turn it down.  This one's a keeper.

J. B. UK                                                       May 2000




The Most Pleasing Song of Lady Bessy

William Heywood


I would like to let you know how happy I am to have found this book. I have read references to this poem in many novels and other books about the Tudors, but have never found a copy until now. It's a beautiful old edition and well worth the price.

Thank you very much!

 K. H. USA                                                   May 2000




La Restauration convaincue d'hypocrisie, ou preuves de l'existence du fils de Louis XVI....


The book arrived well yesterday Saturday. Still thank you ! The language is an obstacle, it's true, but the Internet revolution brings us closer already, and it's only one beginning...


D. W.                                                             May 2000

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Last Modified: 30 October 2000