©  Charles Warner   6 July 2012 edition


I was born in 1938 in Haslemere, SW Surrey, UK, - my sister Olivia (Polly) in 1940. There was a war going on, but not a lot happened to us personally; we were lucky. From early years I just remember love and warm sunshine. We had a stolid yellow cat, called Butter, and a labrador dog - a black labrador - called Jet. A loyal and faithful dog, he lived from 1936-1952. In old age he became rather ponderous and slow, and my father Oliver Warner (later FRSL) used to get giggles out of his young family by the disrespectful suggestion "Jet's a moocow". To my mind this makes a great name. "What did you say?"; "Jetsamoocow"; "WHAT ??". "JETSAMOOCOW !!". Depending upon the manner and tone of voice employed for this exclamation, it can hold a variety of meanings, for instance "Truly an Expert in the Field! Wonderful!" or "Not really very bright. Not easily to be mooved".

Over many miles of disciplined Rambling, Mrs Jacqueline Redman, RA, persuades me that this name is stupid: it invites scorn and disapprobation; it causes search engines to skip over my page; I acknowledge that the name is not the best choice - but I like it, and nobody else uses it, so one can just type all of "jetsamoocow" (and nothing but) into Google and find this work. Efforts to change Username run into difficulties; I tried to change personal details in Google Mail; Google Earth and Picasaweb then didn't work. Dell and Intel also have departments that operate independently of one another. So I've given up on modernization for the moment.

Adopting "Carefuleyes" as a sensible new name, I have intruded upon "You need to keep a careful eye on your business". This seems good, so I hope that the author won't mind my efforts. The Christian song for children "O be careful little eyes what you see" is another felicitous association. My efforts are sometimes deliberately edgy and offensive; it seems that this is occasionally necessary. Please see the guiding philosophy.

We have to show greater tolerance and respect, or we'll disappear. I think that we need to grow out of worship of one kind or another, and rest content within our individual selves. Please regard the Username "Jetsamoocow" as a token of historical interest of ~1950. There was less regard for creatures deemed inferior. A robust no-nonsense spirit prevailed, surely worthy of celebration. (back)