




May 2019

July 2019

  Norfolk Hawker Carlton Marshes
© Andrew Easton

Eight VAGRANT EMPERORS and at least five RED-VEINED DARTERS were at Kessingland Beach on the 30th. Nine RED-VEINED DARTERS were at Gunton on the 1st July.

A SPOTTED REDSHANK was at Carlton Marshes on the 22nd, with a GREENSHANK there on the 23rd.

More RED-VEINED DARTERS were noted at Gunton woodland burial field 20th (3 males) and 21st (3 including a pair in tandem), Carlton Marshes 20th (1) and 22nd (12) and again at Kessingland Beach on the 22nd (9 - of which seven were females).

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: 22:30 1st July

LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta
Oulton Marshes - 6th (4).
Herringfleet Marshes - 9th (2), 11th (4), 13th (4).
Castle Marshes, North Cove - 11th (3).
Carlton Marshes - 22nd (7), 23rd (6).

SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia
One flew high south-eastward over Oulton Broad/Carlton Marshes on the morning of the 16th.

TEAL Anas crecca
Herringfleet Marshes - 11th (4), 13th (3).
Carlton Marshes - 16th (1), 21st (8).

Woodchat Shrike
Woodchat Shrike - Kessingland Cliffs © Andrew Easton

TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula
Leathes Ham - 8th (6), 22nd (1).

RED KITE Milvus milvus
Carlton Marshes - 3rd (1).
Castle Marshes, North Cove - 14th (1).

HOBBY Falco subbuteo
Oulton Marshes - 5th (1), 15th (1).
Castle Marshes, North Cove - 11th (4).

QUAIL Coturnix coturnix
One was heard at Mutford on the 26th.

DUNLIN Calidris alpina
Herringfleet Marshes - 9th (1).

CURLEW Numenius arquata
Kessingland - 22nd (3 S).
Carlton Marshes - 22nd (3).

SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus
Carlton Marshes - 22nd (1).

GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia
Herringfleet Marshes - 2nd (3), 9th (1), 11th (1).
Carlton Marshes - 23rd (1).

Herringfleet Marshes
- 11th (9), 13th (2).

GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus
Herringfleet Marshes - 11th (9).
Carlton Marshes - 23rd (1).

Burgh Staithe
An old postcard view from the late 19th century looking across the River Waveney to Burgh Staithe. Today the location of the Waveney River Centre.

SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus
Carlton Marshes - 4th (1).

CUCKOO Cuculus canorus
Castle Marshes, North Cove - 11th (2 singing)
Carlton Marshes - 22nd (2).

Oulton Marshes - 5th (3 singing).
Carlton Marshes - 6th (1 singing), 21st (1).
Herringfleet Marshes - 11th (1 singing).

REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Sparrows Nest Park - 1st (1).
Lowestoft North Denes - 9th (1).
Gunton Warren - 18th (1).

MARSH WARBLER Acrocephalus palustris
Oulton Marshes - 5th (1), 6th (1).

CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita
Ness Point
- 8th (1).

GREENISH WARBLER Phylloscopus trochiloides
One singing at Bonds Meadow, Oulton Broad on the 7th up to 13:00..

WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe
Kessingland/Benacre Sluice - 16th (1).

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata
Lowestoft North Denes - 1st (1), 8th (1).
Sparrows Nest Park - 1st (1).
Oulton Marshes - 2nd (1).
North Cove - 2nd (1).

WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lanius senator
One was found along Kessingland Cliffs, north of the village, on the morning of the 9th and was throughout the day on the 10th as well

Red-veined Darter
(above) Red-veined Darter - Kessingland Beach © Andrew Easton
(below) Vagrant Emperor (female) - Kessingland Beach © Andrew Easton
Vagrant Emperor

A male VAGRANT EMPEROR dragonfly was found at the northern end of Gunton Warren on the morning of the 9th, and a male RED-VEINED DARTER was at Kessingland Beach the same day.

At least four male RED-VEINED DARTERS were in the dunes at the north end of Kessingland Beach on the 15th, and a male VAGRANT EMPEROR was at the south end of the beach near Kessingland/Benacre Sluice.

More RED-VEINED DARTERS were noted at Gunton woodland burial field 20th (3 males) and 21st (3 including a pair in tandem), Carlton Marshes 20th (1) and 22nd (several) and again at Kessingland Beach on the 22nd (9 - of which seven were females).

Eight VAGRANT EMPERORS were found along Kessingland Beach to Benacre Pit area on the 30th, along with at least five

                          predictions for Lowestoft

