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- promoting responsible shared parenting after separation and divorce -

Post divorce parenting - rethinking shared residence (references)

Arthur Baker, Lecturer in social policy , Barnsley College, and
Peter Townsend, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Teeside.

Draft of article which was published in: Child and Family Law Quarterly, Vol 8, No 3, 1996, p 217

previous section - Conclusion


(1) see Maccoby and Mnookin. Dividing the Child; Social and legal dilemmas of custody. (Harvard University Press, 1994) J. Kelly. 'Developing and implementing post divorce parenting plans; Does the forum make a difference ?' in C Depner and J Bray (eds.). Nonresidential parenting; New vistas in family living, (Sage, 1993) Kline, Tschann, Johnston, Wallerstein, 'Children's Adjustment in Joint and Sole Custody Families', (1989). Developmental Psychology, 25; p430. J. Arditti, 'Differences between fathers with joint custody and non custodial fathers'. (1992). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 62; p186 - 95. H. Irving and M. Benjamin. 'Shared and sole custody parents; A comparative analysis', in J. Folberg (ed.), Joint Custody and Shared Parenting. (The Guilford Press, 2nd ed. 1991)

(2) Meyer Elkin, 'Joint Custody: Affirming that Parents and Families Are Forever', (1987). Social Work, Journal of National Association of Social Workers Inc., USA., Jan - Feb edition. p 18 - 24

(3) J. Wallerstein & J. Kelly, Surviving the Breakup, (Grant McIntyre, 1980)

(4) A. Mitchell, Children in the Middle, (Tavistock, 1985) Y. Walczack & S. Burns, Divorce: the child's point of view, (Harper & Row, 1984) M. Lund, 'Research on Divorce and Children', Family Law, (1984). 14, p198-201.

(5) Families Need Fathers, The Presumption of Shared Residence, (FNF, December 1994)

(6) see for example; C. Lewis, Becoming a Father, (OUP,1986) C. Lewis & M O'Brien, Reassessing Fatherhood, (Sage, 1987) Woolworths Street Values Report, Dads Today - A study of contemporary attitudes to fatherhood, (Woolworths plc, 1993) B Simpson, P McCarthy, J Walker. Being there; Fathers after divorce, an exploration of post divorce fathering. (Relate Centre for Family Studies. University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1995) The University of York is currently engaged in the first national study of fathers who live apart from their children. The Institute for Public Policy Research held an important conference in April 1996 on the theme of Men and their Children - Fatherhood and Public Policy.

(7) see; N Lyndon, No More Sex War; The failures of feminism. (Sinclair Stevens, 1992) D Thomas, Not Guilty; In defence of the modern man. (Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1993) W Farrell, The Myth of Male Power; Why men are the disposable sex. (Fourth Estate, 1994) United Kingdom Men's Movement. Discrimination Against Men in the U.K., (UKMM 1995)

(8) R. Bly, Iron John: a book about men, (Element, 1990)

(9) Maccoby and Mnookin. Dividing the Child; Social and legal dilemmas of custody. (Harvard University Press. 1994)

(10) Furstenburg et al. 'The life course of children of divorce; marital disruption and parental contact.' (1983). 48 American Sociological Review. p 656 - 668.

(11) M. Lund, 'The non custodial father; Common challenges in parenting after divorce'. In C Lewis and M O'Brien, (eds) Reassessing fatherhood , (Sage. 1987) at p 212- 224.

(12) J. Loewan. 'Visitation fatherhood', in P Bronstein & C Pape Cowan (eds), Fatherhood Today, (John Wiley. 1988) at p195-213.

(13) E Kruk. 'Psychological and structural factors contributing to the disengagement of non custodial fathers after divorce'. (Jan 1992 ). Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol 30, No 1, p81-101

(14) see; Maccoby and Mnookin. Dividing the Child; Social and legal dilemmas of custody. (Harvard University Press. 1994) A Koel, S Clark, W Phear, B Hauser. 'A comparison of joint and sole custody agreements', in E Hetherington and J Arasteh (eds.), The Impact of divorce, single parenting and step parenting on children. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1988) M Duryee, Demographic and outcome data of a court mediation programme. Report to the Judicial Council, State of California, (Statewide Office of Family Court Services. San Francisco Judicial Council, 1991) J. Kelly. 'Developing and implementing post divorce parenting plans; Does the forum make a difference ?', in C Depner and J Bray (eds.). Nonresidential parenting; New vistas in family living, (Sage, 1993)

(15) Maccoby and Mnookin. Dividing the Child; Social and legal dilemmas of custody. (Harvard University Press. 1994) J. Kelly. 'Developing and implementing post divorce parenting plans; Does the forum make a difference ?', in C Depner and J Bray (eds.). Nonresidential parenting; New vistas in family living, (Sage, 1993) Kline, Tschann, Johnston, Wallerstein, 'Children's Adjustment in Joint and Sole Custody Families', (1989). Developmental Psychology, 25. p430.

(16) Maccoby, Mnookin & Depner, Post Divorce Families; custodial Arrangements Compared, paper presented to American Association for the Advancement of Science, May 1986.

(17) The Children Act 1989, s 11(4), p. 9

(18) The Children Act Guidance and Regulations, Vol 1, Court Orders, S2.28, p 10-11, (HMSO, 1991)

(19) (Riley v Riley [1986], 2 FLR 429.)

(20) The Children Act Guidance and Regulations, Vol 1, Court Orders, S2.28, p 11, (HMSO, 1991)

(21) H Conway, 'Shared Residence Orders', August [1995] Family Law, p 435-437.

(22) Re H [A Minor] [1993], Fam Law 247

(23) A v A [Children; Shared residence order], Times Law Reports, 23.2.94 and A v A [1994] 1 FLR 669.

(24) I. Weyland, 'Judicial attitudes to contact and shared residence since the Children Act 1989'. (1995). Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. Vol. 17, No. 4, p445 - 459.

(25) see ; L. Fox Harding,, Perspectives in Child Care Policy. (Longman.1991)

(26) Goldstein, Freud and Solnit, Beyond the best interests of the child, (Free Press, 1973) at p 37-38.

(27) P. Marsh, 'Social Work and Fathers - an exclusive practice ?', in Lewis and O'Brien, (eds) Reassessing Fatherhood, (Sage 1987)

(28) P.S. Fry and J. Addington, 'Professionals' negative expectations of boys from father headed single-parent families: implications for the training of child care professionals'. (1984).British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2, p 337-446

(29) A. Sagi, and R. Dvir, 'Value biases of social workers in custody disputes'. (1993).Children and Youth Services Review, vol 15, p 27-42.

(30) G. Greif and C Bailey, 'Where are the fathers in social work literature', (Feb. 1990). Families in Society. p88-92.

(31) E. Jaffe, 'Fathers and child welfare services; The forgotten clients' in; Lamb M. E. (ed.), Fatherhood and family policy. (Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 1983 )

(32) National Association of Probation Officers, Policy Document , The Role of the Court Welfare Officer , ( NAPO 1990)

(33) Home Office, Helping the Court to serve the Needs of Children Involved in Separation or Divorce: a strategy document for probation service family court welfare work , (Home Office,1993)

(34) National standards for probation service family court welfare work. (Home Office 1995)

(35) A. James & W. Hay , Court Welfare Work : Research, Practice , and Development , (Univ. of Hull , 1992)

(36) E. Kruk, 'Promoting Shared Parenting after separation; a therapeutic / interventionist model of family mediation', (Aug. 1993). Journal of Family Therapy, Vol 15, No 3, p235 -261.

(37) E. Kruk, 'The disengaged non custodial father; Implications for social work practice with the divorced family'. (1994). Social Work vol 39. No. 1. p15 - 25

(38) J. Kelly, 'Examining Resistance to Joint Custody', in J. Folberg (ed), Joint Custody and Shared Parenting. (The Guilford Press, 2nd edn , 1991)

(39) M.Becker, 'Maternal feelings; Myth, taboo and child custody', (1992). Review of Law and women's studies. 1;133-224.

(40) M. Fineman, 'Dominant Discourse, professional language and legal change in child custody decision making'. (1988). Harvard Law Review, Vol 101, No. 4 p727-774

(41) J Brophy, 'Custody Law, Child Care and Inequality in Britain', in in C. Smart and S. Sevenhuijsen (eds) Child Custody and the Politics of Gender. (Routledge,1989).

(42) K.Bartlett, and C.Stack, 'Joint Custody, feminism and the dependency dilemma' in J. Folberg, (ed) Joint Custody and Shared Parenting. (The Guilford Press. 2nd edn 1991)

(43) B. Hoggett. 'Joint Parenting Systems; the English experiment.' (1994). Journal of Child Law, Vol 6. No 1. p 8-12

(44) E. Scott,.'Pluralism, parental preference and child custody'. (1992). California Law Review. 80. p 615-72

(45) see S. Coltrane, and N. Hickman, 'The Rhetoric of Rights and Needs; Moral Discourse in the Reform of Child Custody and Child Support Laws'. (November 1992 ) Social Problems , Vol 39. No 4.

(46) D.R. Coller. 'Joint Custody; research, theory and policy', (1988). Family Process, Dec., 27(4), p259-69

(47) E. Kruk, 'Promoting Shared Parenting after separation; a therapeutic / interventionist model of family mediation', (Aug. 1993), Journal of Family Therapy, Vol 15, No 3.

(48) R. Thompson , 'The Role of the Father After Divorce'. (1994).The Future of Children , Vol 4. No. 1. p 210-235.

(49) W. Bender,.'Joint Custody; the option of choice,' (1994). Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. Vol 21 (3/4). p 115-131.

(50) J. L. Hagan, 'Proceed with caution advocating joint custody', (1987),Social Work, Jan/Feb, USA

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(52) C. Bridge, 'Shared residence in England and New Zealand - a comparative analysis'. (1996). Child and Family Law Quarterly. Vol 8. No 1.

(53) M. Fineman. 'Dominant Discourse, professional language and legal change in child custody decision making'. (1988). Harvard Law Review, Vol 101, No. 4 p727-774

(54) Kline, Tschann, Johnston, Wallerstein, 'Children's Adjustment in Joint and Sole Custody Families', (1989). Developmental Psychology, 25. p430.

(55) Coysh et. al., 'Parental Post Divorce Adjustment in Joint and Sole Physical Custody Families', ( March 1989). Journal of Family Issues.

(56) Maccoby and Mnookin. Dividing the Child; Social and legal dilemmas of custody. (Harvard University Press. 1994)

(57) Steinman, 'The experience of children in a joint custody arrangement', (1981). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 51 (3), July.

(58) Leupnitz, 'A comparison of maternal, paternal, and joint custody: understanding the varieties of post divorce family life', (1986). Journal of Divorce, 9.

(59) M. Hill, Sharing Child Care in Early Parenthood, (RKP, 1987)

(60) M. Lamb, (ed), The Role of the Father in Child Development. , (Wiley 1976) P Bronstein and C. Cowan, Fatherhood Today. (Wiley.1988) R. Warshak,The Custody Revolution; The father Factor and the Motherhood Mystique. (Poseidon Press. 1992) R. Thompson, 'The Role of the Father After Divorce'. (1994).The Future of Children Vol 4. No. 1. p210-235.

(61) Folberg and Graham, 'Joint Custody of children following divorce', in H. Irving (ed), Family Law; an interdisciplinary perspective, (Carswell,1981)

(62) Irving, Benjamin, Trocme, 'Shared Parenting; an empirical analysis utilising a large data base', (1984). Family Process , 23.

(63) R. Thompson, 'The Role of the Father After Divorce'. (1994). The Future of Children Vol 4. No. 1. p210-235.

(64) J Elster. 'Solomonic Judgments; Against the best interests of the child'. (1987). University of Chicago Law Review, 1, p40-53.

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