There is a massive groundswell of opposition to the proposals that Frenchay hospital should be down graded and Southmead built up.

Prof Paul Abrams is objecting to elected local representatives (South Glos Scrutiny Committee) for having the temerity to refer the matter to the Minister of State for Health, mainly on the grounds that this will cause a delay of a few weeks.

The issue is simple. The most important factor is access. Frenchay has excellent access. Southmead is already stifled by congestion and there are no plans to alleviate it.

As far as doctors and other staff are concerned, a few miles makes little difference. But for patients and visitors access is very important.

People are not convinced by the managers’ claim that they consulted fully.

This decision will affect us for decades; maybe hundreds of years. We already have severe problems due to traffic congestion; not least pollution and resultant respiratory problems.

I hope that the Minister will take a long term view and agree that the development should be at Frenchay.


Stephen Petter


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