©  Frances Jessup   ~ 2000

                The Moth it is that died.

                The Moth it is that died.
                The young woman walked
                into the blooming July.
                The Moth it is that died.

                We are going on a trip.
                My wife has forgotten something
                so I'm having to - - -
                She thinks it's going to rain.
                The Moth it is that died.

                The purple buddleia
                offer such purple blooms
                to the sky this year.
                The Moth it is that died.

                The dog barked.
                The dog barked.
                The Moth it is that died.

                The dustman locked the bin
                onto the back of the dustcart
                and the mechanical motion tipped
                the river of rubbish
                up into the cart.
                The Moth it is that died.

                He came
                and he came.
                The Moth it is that died.

                She can't do anything for herself now.
                If ever I get like that -
                I'd prefer to be
                six feet under in my cardboard box.

                The Moth it is that died.