Most popular christian names

My indexes of Balshaw births and deaths (as reported in civil registration) make it possible to analyse which christian names were the most popular.  The five most popular male and female names and the number of occurences of each name as a first christian name are given below, for births and deaths.

Births, 1837-1900



John, 77 Elizabeth, 71
William, 73 Mary, 68
Thomas, 69 Ann/Nancy, 48
James, 59 Margaret, 48
Robert, 26 Alice, 23

(Total number of births registered  in this period = 1159).

Deaths, 1837-1965



John, 111 Mary,  105
William, 105 Elizabeth, 82
Thomas, 88 Margaret, 51
James, 78 Alice, 46
Richard, 41 Ann, 41

(Total number of deaths registered in this period = 1509).