**** Most recent update
Barn Owl - Shingle Street- July 2006 - ©Andrew Easton

A small passage of Little Auks was a nice treat on the 25th, a couple more were seen on the 26th.

The evening skies over Lowestoft were finally filled with the calls of huge numbers of thrushes passing over on the 25th, many of them very low overhead, they continued to pass over for several hours. Amazingly though on the 26th there were hardly any signs of any new birds present at all!

Visible daytime migrants on the 26th included 500+ Starlings, 41 Chaffinches, 4 Skylarks and one Redwing.

After the visible daytime migrants seen on the 25th and 26th, the 27th seemed very disappointing with just two Firecrests, five Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap, a Clouded Yellow and a Budgie around. All this changed as I headed back south from Corton Wood to get something to eat, when part way there a Dusky Warbler started calling up ahead!

An elusive Yellow-browed Warbler (re)appeared in Lowestoft Cemetery on the 28th.

On the 29th six Stock Doves heading out to sea and another Budgie heading north seemed to be the only birds on the move!

RED-THROATED DIVER Gavia stellata ****
Kessingland - 1st (1 N), 2nd (1 N), 3rd (3 N, 2 S), 5th (7 N), 6th (6 N), 7th (2 N), 8th (6 N), 9th (2 N), 12th (3 N, 2 S, 1 o/s), 13th (4 N, 4 S, 4 o/s), 15th (3 N, 1 S), 16th (7 N, 1 o/s), 17th (1 N, 1 S, 5 o/s), 18th (1 N, 1 S), 19th (1 N, 2 o/s), 20th (2 N), 21st (2 N), 22nd (2 N, 1 S), 24th (3 N, 3 S), 25th (4 N, 2 S, 3 o/s), 26th (2 N), 27th (5 N, 1 o/s), 28th (1 N), 29th (1 N, 1 S), 30th (1 N).
Ness Point - 6th (1 N).
Lowestoft North Beach - 7th (2), 19th (1 S, 1 on sea), 25th (4 N, 2 S), 26th (1 S).
Corton Cliff - 11th (2 S).

BLACK-THROATED DIVER Gavia arctica ****
Kessingland - 13th (1 N), 15th (1 N), 18th (1 on sea), 26th (1 N), 30th (1 N).
Gunton Warren - 18th (1).


Kessingland - 5th (1 N).

Diver spp.
Kessingland - 12th (2 N), 26th (1 on sea), 27th (1 S).

LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis

Lake Lothing - 9th (6).

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus
Lake Lothing - 9th (6), 22nd (1).
Kessingland - 9th (1 S, 2 o/s), 18th (1 S), 25th (1 N), 28th (1 S), 30th (1 S), 31st (1 N, 1 o/s).
Oulton Broad - 22nd (5).

SHEARWATER sp. Puffinus sp.
Kessingland - 5th (1 N).
Ness Point - 6th (1 N).

GANNET Morus bassanus
Lowestoft North Beach
- 1st (3 N), 7th (3 N, 1 S), 15th (5 N, 6 S), 16th (1 S), 21st (4 N), 25th (2 N), 26th (1 N, 1 S).

Kessingland - 1st (82 N, 1 S), 2nd (15 N), 3rd (13 N, 8 S), 4th (9 N, 2 S), 5th (15 N), 6th (60 N, 1 S), 7th (7 N, 4 S), 8th (23 N, 13 S), 9th (11 N, 4 S), 10th (24 N, 38 S), 11th (17 N), 12th (6 N, 3 S), 13th (31 N), 14th (43 N, 4 S), 15th (46 N, 4 S), 16th (4 N), 17th (10 N), 18th (4 N, 2 S), 19th (5 N, 2 S), 20th (1 N), 21st (19 N, 1 S), 22nd (6 N), 23rd (1 N, 17 S, 12 feeding), 24th (3 N, 2 S, 4 feeding), 25th (18 N, 15 S), 26th (1 N), 27th (2 N, 2 S), 28th (8 N, 2 S), 29th (6 N), 30th (17 N), 31st (3 N, 2 S).
Ness Point - 6th (7 N), 21st (10 N, 9 S).

CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo ****
Lowestoft North Beach - 1st (1 on groynes), 6th (1 on groynes), 7th (1), 21st (2 S), 25th (1 S), 26th (2 S).
Gunton Warren - 4th (2 S), 14th (1 N, 2 S).
Kessingland - 4th (3 S), 5th (1 S), 7th (1 S), 9th (2 S), 11th (3 S, 8 in off sea), 13th (1 S), 14th (1 S), 16th (1 N, 1 S), 17th (2 S), 18th (2 S, 1 o/s), 20th (3 S), 22nd (1 S), 23rd (1 S, 1 o/s), 24th (2 N, 3 S), 25th (3 S), 27th (1 S), 30th (2 S), 31st (1 S).
Lake Lothing - 9th (6), 29th (8).

Phalacrocorax aristotelis

One was seen on Lake Lothing, Lowestoft on the 22nd.
One was on the sea off Lowestoft North Beach on the 25th.

LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta
One seen flying north past Kessingland at 9:30 on the 7th was presumably the same seen heading north off Corton at 9:50 being mobbed by a juvenile Herring Gull. It carried on north and could still be seen distantly somewhere off Gorleston still being mobbed.
Belton Marshes
- 8th (2).

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea

Kessingland Sluice
- 8th (in off sea).
Carlton Marshes - 16th (2).
- 18th (in off sea).
Lowestoft North Beach
- 21st (1 S).
Leathes Ham
- 22nd (1).
Lake Lothing - 22nd (1).

MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor
Oulton Broad - 9th (37).
Lowestoft/Gunton - 14th (2 N).

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE Anser brachyrhynchus

Nine were seen over Oulton Broad on the 3rd.
Corton old sewage works - 13th (43 S).
What was described as a massive flock of Pink-feet flew south-westwards over Oulton Broad at 8:15 on the 16th. No doubt the same flock seen distantly from Corton in the direction of Blundeston.


Kessingland Levels - 10th (c200).
Lowestoft - 14th (10 N over town).
Oulton Broad - 29th (52 + 2 Greylag x Canada Goose hybrids).

[ BAR HEADED GOOSE Anser indicus

One was with Greylag Geese on Oulton Broad on the 22nd. ]

DARK-BELLIED BRENT GOOSE Branta (bernicla) bernicla
Lowestoft North Beach - 1st (8 S), 11th (100+ in one hour), 15th (15 N, 28 S), 19th (7 N, 2 S), 20th (2 S), 21st (1 S), 22nd (1 S), 24th (1 N), 25th (108 S), 26th (114 S), 28th (2 S).
- 1st (15 S), 2nd (2 S), 3rd (14 S), 4th (9 N, 5 S), 5th (14 N, 174 S), 6th (147 S), 7th (20 S), 8th (32 S), 9th (4 N, 187 S), 10th (1 N, 602 S), 11th (1668 S during 3.5 hours seawatching throughout the day. Probably well over 4000 passed here in total), 12th (115 N, 252 S), 13th (19 N, 27 S), 14th (7 N, 30 S), 15th (20 N, 29 S), 16th (3 N, 56 S), 17th (8 S), 18th (8 S), 19th (5 S), 20th (4 N, 2 S), 23rd (2 N, 1 on the Levels), 24th (6 S), 25th (1 N, 55 S), 26th (161 S), 27th (6 N, 2 S), 28th (11 S), 29th (7 N, 7 S), 30th (25 N, 445 S), 31st (14 N, 33 S).
Gunton Warren - 9th (5 S), 10th (85 S), 14th (12 N, 2 S), 17th (2 S), 20th (1 S), 27th (1 swam ashore and rested on the beach).
Denes Oval - 20th (1).

Dark-bellied Brent Geese ©Andrew Easton
Dark-bellied Brent Geese - Lowestoft - October 2006
©Andrew Easton

SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna ****
Kessingland - 4th (9 on sea), 9th (16 S), 10th (4 S), 11th (9 S), 12th (5 S), 14th (3 S), 18th (9 S), 21st (9 S), 23rd (1 S), 26th (4 S), 27th (6 S), 30th (5 N, 3 S), 31st (2 S).
Gunton Warren - 10th (5 S).
Lowestoft North Beach
- 26th (4 S).

Anas penelope
Lowestoft North Beach
- 1st (4 S), 15th (9 S), 24th (14 on the sea), 25th (18 S), 26th (2 S).
Kessingland - 3rd (3 S), 4th (17 S), 5th (4 S), 9th (38 S), 10th (12 S), 11th (1 N, 153 S), 12th (24 N, 79 S), 13th (10 N, 15 o/s), 14th (8 S), 15th (1 S), 16th (40 S), 17th (90 S), 18th (3 S), 19th (1 S), 20th (1 S), 21st (11 S), 22nd (5 S), 24th (2 N, 3 o/s), 25th (47 S), 26th (32 S), 30th (9 N, 91 S), 31st (2 N, 12 S).
Corton Cliff - 11th (46 S).
Gunton Warren - 15th (26 S).
Leathes Ham - 22nd (3), 29th (2).

Anas strepera
Kessingland - 1st (1 S), 9th (1 S), 11th (4 S), 21st (2 S).
Leathes Ham - 7th (2), 22nd (2), 29th (5).

Anas crecca
Kessingland - 1st (10 S), 3rd (1 S), 4th (2 S), 5th (1 S), 9th (1 N), 10th (4 S), 11th (196 S), 12th (8 S), 14th (13 S), 15th (2 S), 16th (17 S), 17th (24 S), 18th (3 S), 25th (3 S), 26th (2 S), 30th (2 S).
Gunton Warren - 15th (2 S).
Leathes Ham - 22nd (1).
Lowestoft North Beach - 15th (2 N, 1 S), 25th (4 S), 26th (3 S).

MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos
Kessingland - 1st (1 S), 28th (2 S).

Anas acuta

Kessingland - 5th (2 S), 9th (7 S), 11th (18 S), 16th (2 S), 17th (4 S).

SHOVELER Anas clypeata
Leathes Ham - 7th (10), 22nd (5+), 29th (32).
Oulton Broad - 22nd (12 flew west).
Kessingland - 26th (8 S).

TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula
Ness Point - 6th (3 S).
Leathes Ham - 7th (3).
Kessingland - 11th (1 S), 18th (2 S), 26th (2 S), 28th (1 S), 30th (2 S).
Oulton Broad
- 22nd (1).

Common Eider ©Andrew Easton
Common Eider - Lowestoft - October 2006
©Andrew Easton

COMMON EIDER Somateria mollissima ****
Ness Point - 6th (10 N then settled on sea).
Lowestoft North Beach - 7th (12 S), 15th (4 N), 25th (6 N), 26th (2 N).
Lowestoft South Beach - 14th (32 N inc. 2 male).
Kessingland - 14th (6 o/s), 15th (4 N), 25th (4 N), 26th (5 S).

COMMON SCOTER Melanitta nigra ****
Kessingland - 1st (3 S), 3rd (2 S), 4th (18 N, 4 S), 5th (4 N, 6 S), 6th (7 N, 7 S), 7th (2 N, 1 S), 8th (1 N), 9th (2 N, 4 S), 10th (4 N, 2 S), 11th (1 N, 22 S), 13th (3 S), 14th (1 N), 15th (3 N), 17th (1 S), 19th (2 S), 20th (3 S), 23rd (3 N), 24th (3 S), 25th (23 S), 26th (8 N, 15 S), 27th (1 S), 29th (5 S), 30th (4 S), 31st (1 N, 3 o/s).
Lowestoft North Beach - 16th (3 S), 25th (45 S), 26th (17 N).

Melanitta fusca

Three flew north past Kessingland on the 15th.

Mergus serrator
Kessingland - 11th (1 S), 12th (2 N), 15th (3 N), 25th (5 S), 26th (1 S), 30th (1 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 20th (four flew in from the sea and appeared to turn inland, possibly towards Lake Lothing.), 26th (1 S).

Kessingland - 8th (2).
Ellough - 8th (3).
Blundeston - 8th (1).
Herringfleet - 8th (2).
In addition a couple of Buzzard sp. were seen over central Lowestoft on the 7th.

Merlin©Chris Darby
Merlin - Kessingland - October 2006
©Chris Darby

MERLIN Falco columbarius
One at Kessingland Beach on the 21st managed to catch a Pied Wagtail.

Falco subbuteo
Flixton Decoy - 1st (1), 16th (1).
Worlingham - 4th (1).
Corton old sewage works - 5th (1)
Oulton Broad - 5th (1).

WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus
At least three were heard calling from the river side reeds at Waveney Forest on the 8th.

OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus
Gunton Warren - 19th (1 S).
Lake Lothing - 22nd (1).
Normanston Park - 29th (1 with a damaged/dislocated leg joint was feeding in the park before flying off towards Lake Lothing).

GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria
250+ were seen in flight over Ellough airfield on the 8th.

GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola

One flew south past Lowestoft North Beach on the 26th.

Vanellus vanellus
One flew south past Kessingland on the 30th.

KNOT Calidris canutus
Kessingland - 1st (1 S), 20th (2 S), 26th (17 S), 30th (7 S).

PURPLE SANDPIPER Calidris maritima
Gorleston - 8th (1).

DUNLIN Calidris alpina
Kessingland - 10th (2 S), 19th (1 S), 22nd (1 S), 25th (7 S), 26th (19 S), 30th (5 N, 34 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 19th (1 on the beach), 25th (41 S), 26th (26 S).

Limosa lapponica
Kessingland - 25th (14 S).

Numenius arquata
Kessingland - 3rd (2 S), 9th (1 S), 11th (2 S), 17th (1 S), 18th (1 S), 19th (1 S), 26th (6 S), 28th (1 S), 29th (1 S), 30th (2 S).
Gunton Warren - 15th (4 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 15th (1 S), 25th (1 S), 26th (4 S).

Tringa ochropus
One was seen in flight along the River Waveney at Waveney Forest on the 8th before flying off northwards over Haddiscoe Island.

COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos
One was in Hamilton Dock on the 7th.

Arenaria interpres
Lowestoft North Beach/Gunton Warren - 1st (8 S), 2nd (3), 7th (5), 8th (3), 25th (38).
Kessingland - 1st (8 S), 5th (1 S), 7th (3 N), 9th (1 S), 19th (1 S), 24th (1 S).
Hamilton Dock
- 7th (13).
Gunton Warren
- 10th (15 S), 22nd (8 N).

Lowestoft South Beach
- 28th (36).

Stercorarius pomarinus
Kessingland - 1st (2 N, 1 S), 5th (1 S), 6th (1 N pale , 1 S dark), 8th (2 N), 9th (1 lingering), 10th (1 S), 15th (1 S), 27th (1 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 7th (1 N), 21st (1 N).

Stercorarius parasiticus
Kessingland - 1st (2 S), 3rd (1 N, 1 S, 1 o/s), 4th (2 N, 1 o/s), 5th (1 N, 1 S), 6th (3 N), 7th (1 S), 9th (5 S), 10th (3 S, 1 o/s), 13th (2 S), 14th (1 N), 15th (2 N), 24th (1 S), 25th (2 N), 29th (1 S).
Gunton Warren - 10th (2 S), 14th (1 S), 15th (1 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 15th (1 S), 25th (4 N).
Corton - 26th (1).

GREAT SKUA Stercorarius skua
Kessingland - 1st (2 N), 6th (1 N), 7th (1 N, 1 S), 9th (1 S), 10th (1 N, 2 S), 23rd (1 S), 27th (1 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 25th (1 S).

SKUA spp.
Kessingland - 7th (1 S), 10th (1 prob. juvenile Long-tail), 20th (1 on sea), 30th (2 N).

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Larus melanocephalus
Lowestoft North Beach - 1st (1 adult, unringed), 2nd (2 including green ringed adult), 6th (1; 2nd winter), 7th (2; 1 adult unringed, 1 2nd winter), 14th (ad), 23rd (1 ad. green ringed), 24th (1 1st. winter green ringed from Germany), 25th (1 adult green ringed from Belgium), 26th (3; 1 adult green ringed from Belgium, 1 adult Dutch ringed one legged bird, 1 1st winter), 27th (1 adult, the one legged Dutch ringed bird first seen in Lowestoft in 1997), 28th (1 adult, Dutch one legged bird).
Pakefield - 2nd (4 adults + 1st winter), 6th (1 adult), 14th (ad).
Kessingland - 3rd (1 N), 10th (1 N), 27th (1 S), 31st (1 N).
Corton - 11th (1st winter).
Gunton Warren - 9th (ad.).
Ness Point - 23rd (1 ad.).
North Quay Retail Park - 24th (1 1st. winter).

HERRING GULL Larus argentatus
One of the chicks ringed in Lowestoft harbour during the summer of 2004 was seen alive and well in northern France on 30th March 2006.

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus (cachinnans) michahellis
The usual adult was along Lowestoft North Beach up to the 28th.

LITTLE GULL Larus minutus

Kessingland - 5th (2 N), 13th (5 N), 14th (4 N), 15th (4 N), 16th (16 N), 21st (4 N), 25th (6 N), 28th (2 N), 29th (1 N), 30th (14 N).
Ness Point - 6th (1 S).

KITTIWAKE Rissa tridactyla
Kessingland - 7th (1 N), 10th (2 S), 15th (1 N, 1 S), 24th (3 N), 25th (21 N), 30th (21 N), 31st (15 N, 5 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 19th (1 S).

SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvichensis
Lowestoft North Beach - 1st (5 S), 2nd (25), 7th (2 N, 8 S), 15th (1 S), 16th (2 N).
Kessingland - 1st (1 N, 8 S), 2nd (7 S), 3rd (6 N, 9 S), 4th (19 S), 5th (3 N, 3 S), 6th (5 N, 8 S), 7th (10 S), 8th (1 S), 10th (2 S), 13th (3 S), 16th (1 S).
Gunton Beach - 10th (3 S).
- 11th (1).
Ness Point - 21st (1 feeding offshore).

COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo
Lowestoft North Beach
- 1st (4 S), 2nd (8).
Kessingland - 1st (10 S).
Gunton Beach - 8th (3 S), 10th (2 S).
Lake Lothing - 9th (3), 22nd (1 juv.).
Corton - 11th (2 S).
Lowestoft Harbour - 15th (1 juv.), 25th (1 juv.), 26th (1 juv.).
Pictured below is the very tatty individual that has been begging for food from fishermen along Lowestoft North Beach since September 28th, still present on October 13th. It's feather condition is very poor and it probably becomes waterlogged easily, so any food it can get without going into the sea is a bonus.

Common Tern ©Andrew Easton
Common Tern - Lowestoft - October 2006
©Andrew Easton

ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea
One juvenile flew north along Lowestoft North Beach on the 7th.

Sterna hirundo/paradisaea
Kessingland - 1st (3 N, 22 S), 2nd (4 S), 3rd (1 N, 24 S), 4th (5 N, 1 S), 5th (6 N), 6th (1 N, 9 S), 7th (3 N), 8th (2 N, 8 S), 9th (1 N), 14th (2 N).
Ness Point - 6th (4 S, 10+ feeding offshore).

LITTLE TERN Sterna albifrons
Kessingland - 1st (4 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 1st (1 S), 2nd (1).
Gorleston - continuing the late run of terns one Little was seen from Gorleston on the 8th.

Uria aalge

One was on Lake Lothing on the 22nd.
One flew south past Lowestoft North Beach on the 25th.

Alle alle
Kessingland - 25th (1 N, 5 S), 26th (2 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 25th (10 N, 4 S).

AUK sp.
Kessingland - 1st (1 N), 3rd (7 N), 4th (10 N), 5th (1 N), 12th (2 N), 15th (3 N, 2 S), 16th (2 N), 17th (5 N), 23rd (1 N), 24th (4 N), 25th (5 N), 26th (2 N), 27th (1 N), 28th (1 N), 29th (10 N, 1 S), 30th (9 N, 1 S), 31st (8 N, 2 S, 1 o/s).
Ness Point - 6th (1 N).

Columba oenas
Six, plus one Wood Pigeon, flew high eastwards out to sea at Lowestoft North Denes on the 29th, they turned back soon afterwards but then turned north along the coast. It seems even the common birds are doing their best to avoid being seen in Lowestoft at the moment.

Streptopelia turtur
One flew south over Lowestoft North Denes on the 1st.

[ BUDGERIGAH Melopsittacus undulatus
One yellow and green Budgie flew north over Lowestoft North Denes on the 27th. It was later flushed from the dunes on Gunton beach and it then headed off inland. One white and very pale blue Budgie flew north along Lowestoft North Beach and Denes on the 29th, and was later seen flying north over Corton old sewage works.

SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus
One was roosting in a Hawthorn along Gunton railtrack on the 11th. It was being mobbed by 7 Magpie when first found, when you're an owl there's just no rest! Elsewhere in Suffolk Short-eared Owls were also seen at Benacre Pits and Landguard on the 11th.
One was roosting in a clump of brambles at Corton MoD on the 13th.
Another was at Pakefield on the 18th.
One arrived in off the sea at Kessingland Beach on the 23rd.
Two were seen at Oulton Marshes/Fisher Row on the 29th.
Seeing owls in October is one of the joys of the autumn!

LITTLE OWL Athene noctua
One was heard calling at Ellough on the 8th. Also heard at Corton disused railtrack on the 10th and 11th.

KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis
Lake Lothing - 22nd (1).
Hamilton Dock - 25th (1).

Corton new sewage works - 1st (1), 11th (1).
Gunton Warren - 2nd (1).
Lowestoft Cemetery - 7th (1).
Belton Marshes - 8th (1).
Corton Woods - 27th (1).

WOOD LARK Lullula arborea
One present in the winter wheat along Gunton railtrack on the 16th was the first record in Lizard Land this year. They are a real local rarity!

SKY LARK Alauda arvensis
Lowestoft North Denes - 21st (5 S), 22nd (5 S).
Gunton Warren - 22nd (2 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 25th (13 migrants arrived in off the sea), 26th (3 migrants arrived in off the sea, 1 south along the coast).

Shore Lark©Chris Darby
Shore Lark - Kessingland - October 2006
©Chris Darby

SHORE LARK Eremophila alpestris
One obliging bird gave very good views at Kessingland Beach from the 19th to 22nd. It was associating with Meadow Pipits between the Sluice and the southern caravan on the slope. A good local rarity.

SWALLOW Hirundo rustica

Kessingland - 1st (2 S), 6th (4 S), 8th (5 S), 15th (2 S).
Gunton Warren - 2nd (7), 21st (2 N), 22nd (3 S).
Lowestoft North Denes - 2nd (10), 7th (6), 15th (2 S), 19th (8 N).
Corton - 19th (9 S).

HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica
Lowestoft North Denes - 2nd (6 in off the sea).
Kessingland - 6th (16 S), 8th (2 S), 22nd (14 S), 31st (1 feeding over the beach).
Oulton Road North (Lowestoft) - 21st (1 S).
Corton Woods - 28th (2 N).
Lowestoft Cemetery - 28th (3 S).

RICHARD'S PIPIT Anthus richardi
On the 8th one flew north from Benacre Pits to Kessingland, and appeared to settle in fields to the south of Kessingland Church.
The second of the autumn was present on Lowestoft North Denes on the 12th. Having initially been found in weeds on the old caravan site it worked it's way north over the next hour (0830-0935), last being seen at the north end of Gunton Beach.
A third individual was located on the 18th in fields inland of the old railway line at Gunton. NO SIGN ON THE 19th.

MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis

Gunton Warren
- 4th (2), 9th (8), 17th (20), 24th (6).
Corton - 12th (50).
Lowestoft North Denes - 16th (30).
Wood Lane, Flixton - 16th (c40).

ROCK PIPIT Anthus petrosus

Hamilton Dock - 7th (1), 20th (2).
Lowestoft North Beach
- 6th (1), 14th (1), 25th (5 apparent migrants flew south along the beach).
Ness Point - 23rd (1).

GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea

Lowestoft town centre - 2nd (2).
Kessingland sewage works - 8th (1), 15th (2).
Kessingland/Benacre Sluice - 8th (1), 23rd (1).
Lowestoft, Thornham Close (off Laxfield Way/Stradbroke Road) - 8-9th (2).
Corton new sewage works - 12th (2).
Corton old sewage works - 13th (1 S).
Gunton Warren - 25th (1).
A ringed bird trapped and released at Kessingland sewage works on 10th March 2006 proved to have been ringed in The Netherlands on 30th September 2005. Apparently the first recovery from that country in the UK.

PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla alba yarrelli
25 flew south along Kessingland Beach on the 1st.
27 were seen at Flixton on the 2nd.
Kessingland Beach - 10th (12).
Gunton Warren - 21st (2 S).

ROBIN Erithacus rubecula
15 were trapped and ringed at Corton on the 16th, a reflection of the increased numbers of migrants around recently.

COMMON REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Pakefield - 2nd (1), 18th (1).

BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros

Two were seen along Hamilton Road, Lowestoft on the 14th.
One was at the eastern end of Hamilton Road on the 16th.
One was at the Denes Oval on the 23rd and 24th.

STONECHAT Saxicola torquata

A pair were just north of the sluice at Kessingland on the 8th.
One was at Corton old sewage works on the 10-12th with two seen at
Radar Lodge, Corton - 14th (2), 21st (1).

Stonechat ©Colin Jacobs
Stonechat - Corton old sewage works - October 2006
©Colin Jacobs

WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra
Radar Lodge, Corton - 9th-12th (1).

WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe
Lowestoft North Denes
- 1st (2), 2nd (1).
Ness Point - 2nd (2).
Gunton Beach - 12th (2).
Corton new sewage works - 12th (1).

Turdus merula
Large numbers appeared in Oulton on the 18th during a rain storm at 10:00. Redwings and Mistle Thrushes were also present.
A first winter female ringed at Kessingland on 1st November 2005 was trapped and released on 1st April 2006 on stopover on the island of Helgoland, during the first leg of her return journey. A distance of 457 kilometres.

Turdus torquatus
Two were noted in the area on the 15th. A cracking male was along Gunton railtrack with a second more elusive bird seen at Kessingland sewage works.

Turdus pilaris
The first Fieldfare of the winter finally arrived, at Kessingland, on the 23rd.
One was at Gunton Wood on the 24th.
One was in Corton churchyard on the 26th.

Turdus iliacus
Five that flew west over Lowestoft town centre on the 11th were the first autumn migrants. Several Song Thrush and Blackbirds were arriving off the sea during the afternoon signaling a new wave of migration this autumn. Let's hope things continue to improve as it's been very quiet recently. Numbers were up on the 15th with several small groups seen in the Kessingland area but the expected influx hasn't happened quite yet.
Gunton Warren
- 16th (2).
Sparrow's Nest Gardens, Lowestoft
- 19th (3).
Very large numbers of Redwings, Blackbirds and Song Thrushes were heard calling over Lowestoft during most of the evening of the 25th. Very few settled locally though as the next morning there were virtually no extra thrushes around!
Lowestoft North Beach
- 26th (1 in off the sea).
Corton Churchyard - 26th (3).

Turdus viscivorus

Gunton Warren - 25th (2 S).

Cettia cetti
One was heard at Belton Marshes on the 8th.
Kessingland sewage works - 15th (1).
Oulton Marshes - 21st (2).

Sylvia atricapilla
Lowestoft Cemetery/Cycle Track - 7th (1), 22nd (1).
- 8th (1), 15th (2).
Corton railtrack - 10th (1), 16th (4).
Arnold's Walk, Lowestoft - 19th (1).
Lowestoft North Denes - 24th (1), 28th (1).
Sparrows Nest Park
- 25th (1).
Corton Woods
- 27th (1).

Sylvia communis
Gunton Warren - 1st (1).
Kessingland - 15th (1).

Phylloscopus proregulus
One was found in Sparrows Nest Park on the 18th. In the morning it was seen around the south-west corner of the bowling green and in the evening at the north-west corner. If it ventures into Arnolds Walk or Flycatcher Lane don't forget to take your machete, as the vegetation is just a bit dense in there!
One was reported there again on the 22nd.

YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER Phylloscopus inornatus
Despite the mass of foliage along coastal Lizard Land we've still managed five Yellow-browed Warblers. It would be a sad state of affairs if these brilliant little birds became rare again as Pallas's seem to have done in recent years.
The first of the autumn was seen at Corton disused railtrack on the 12th. The fact it remained silent hampered the search to re-find it.
An elusive bird was seen with a tit flock in Corton Woods on the 14th. Once again a silent individual.
One was trapped and ringed along Corton disused railtrack on the 16th.
The fourth of the autumn, yet again silent, was loosely associating with Tits in scrub just to the south of Lowestoft Cemetery on the 24th. It then flew into the gardens of houses in Kent Road. It's likely to be doing the rounds of the Turner House complex bordering the cemetery.
A fifth bird was in Gorleston Cemetery on the 24th.
One, again very elusive bird, was along the Lowestoft Cemetery cycle track on the 28th. Quite possibly the same bird seen on the 24th. This bird unlike the others did actually call a few times.

Phylloscopus fuscatus
At 12:50 on the 27th one started calling from White Poplar, Sycamore, Bracken and Bramble scrub a little to the north of Warrenhouse Wood at Gunton Warren. Shortly afterwards it flew out and headed north along the scrub running up the middle of the Warren calling as it went, disappearing for a few minutes, before being heard again part way up the cliff face to the north. It was last seen at about 13:15 in bushes and bracken on the cliff top, and quite likely crossed the adjacent coast road to the cover of the shelter belt trees.

Phylloscopus collybita
Lowestoft North Denes - 1st (2), 3rd (3), 7th (3), 14th (2), 20th (3), 23rd (2), 24th (2), 26th (2), 27th (3), 28th (3), 29th (1).
Gunton Warren - 2nd (1), 4th (2), 7th-10th (1), 12th (1), 13th (1), 14th (2), 15th (1), 21st (2), 22nd (1), 24th (1), 25th (1).
Flixton - 2nd (1).
Corton disused railtrack - 7th (4), 10th (1), 11th (1), 12th (2).
Kessingland - 8th (6).
Lowestoft Cemetery Cycle Track - 15th (1), 28th (1).
Sparrow's Nest Gardens, Lowestoft - 19th (1), 22nd (1), 23rd (1).
Flycatcher Alley, Lowestoft - 19th (1).
Ness Point/Birds Eye car park - 26th-27th (2).

WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus
One juvenile was on the slope above Lowestoft North Denes on the 1st.

GOLDCREST Regulus regulus

Still thin on the ground, though a few at Corton, and at least two in the isolated trees around Katwijk Way roundabout all day on the 16th suggest a recent arrival.
There was a small arrival overnight on the 21st, as from the next day small numbers were widely scattered throughout the area.

FIRECREST Regulus ignicapillus
One was seen briefly with Long-tailed Tits in "Flycatcher Lane" behind the Denes Oval on the 7th.
Corton Woods - 15th (2), 27th (2).
Kessingland Village - 14th (1), 15th (1, different bird to previous day).

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata
Lowestoft North Denes - 1st (1).

STARLING Sturnus vulgaris
Three flocks totaling 250 birds arrived in off the sea at Lowestoft between 10:25 and 14:00 on the 25th.
Several flocks totaling over 500 birds arrived in off the sea at Lowestoft on the 26th.

TREE SPARROW Passer montanus
Two were seen at a bird feeder in Mutford on the 24th.

CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs
A total of 41, in groups of 2, 4 and 35, arrived in off the sea at Lowestoft on the 26th.

BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla
Eight were noted at Corton old sewage works on the 5th, one of which was trapped and ringed.
Noted at Stanley Street, Lowestoft (4), Corton old sewage works (1) and Beccles (1) on the 11th.
Early morning on the 12th six were feeding at the base of the seawall at Ness Point. During the day one or two others were noted on Lowestoft North Denes and Gunton Beach.
Corton old sewage works - 13th (10+), 16th (10), 19th (10).
Heathlands caravan park, Kessingland - 14th (6).
Flycatcher Alley, Lowestoft - 16th (20+).
Oulton - 11th (2), 18th (3).
Pakefield - 18th (1).
Lowestoft North Denes - 21st (1 S), 24th (1).
Lowestoft (Ipswich Road) - 21st (1 S).
Lowestoft (Water Lane) - 29th (1).
Lowestoft Cemetery Cycle Track - 24th (10+ were unobtrusively feasting on Russian Vine seeds), 29th (1).

Brambling ©Andrew Easton
Brambling - Lowestoft - October 2006
©Andrew Easton

GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris ****
Gunton Warren - 2nd (3), 25th (12 S).
Flixton - 2nd (37).
Corton - 13th (c60).
Kessingland Beach - 21st (250+), 24th (300).
Lowestoft North Denes - 21st (20 S).

GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis ****
Waveney Forest - 8th (25).
Lowestoft North Denes
- 21st (7 S), 22nd (2 S), 25th (6 N).
(old sewage works) - 13th (12).

Carduelis spinus

Waveney Forest - 8th (2+ heard).
Corton old sewage works - 13th (5).
Lowestoft North Denes - 21st (18 S).

Carduelis cannabina

Ness Point
- 6th (10 S).
Lowestoft North Beach - 6th (24), 21st (11 S).
Gunton Warren - 9th (10 S).
Corton old sewage works - 11th (28).

LESSER REDPOLL Carduelis cabaret
One flew over Corton old sewage works on the 3rd.
Corton old sewage works - 13th (2), 16th (15), 19th (20 trapped and ringed).
Oulton - 18th (2).
Lowestoft (Ipswich Road) - 21st (2 S).

BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Flixton - 2nd (3).

SNOW BUNTING Plectrophenax nivalis
On the 27th three flew high westwards over Gunton Beach having apparently arrived in off the sea. They obviously later decided to return to the coast as three were on the beach by Links Road car park on the 28th and 29th.

REED BUNTING Emberiza shoeniclus
Bird of the day on the 12th was Reed Bunting with birds noted at most places visited. There must have been loads more that went undetected.
Ness Point
- 12th (1).
Lowestoft North Denes (net posts) - 12th (2), 16th (1).
Lowestoft North Denes (campsite) - 12th (1).
Warrenhouse Wood - 12th (1).
Gunton Warren - 12th (3).
Corton old sewage works - 12th (3), 14th (2).
Radar Lodge - 12th (1).
Kessingland Beach - 13th (9).
Kessingland sewage works - 15th (1).

YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella
Gunton Warren - 4th (2), 12th (1).
Ellough - 8th (2).



Kessingland - 2nd (2 N), 4th (1N), 6th (1 S), 18th (2 N).
Lowestoft North Beach - 7th (1), 21st (2).

Kessingland - 2nd (1), 4th (1), 9th (1), 13th (2), 16th (1), 18th (1), 23rd (1), 25th (1), 26th (1).
Lowestoft North Beach - 21st (1), 26th (1).

Several Small Copper butterflies were still on the wing at Gunton Warren on the 7th with one present on the 11th. On the 12th there was still one Clouded Yellow at Corton new sewage works. On the 13th two Common Blue, Small Copper, Painted Lady and several Red Admirals were seen on the wing. On the 15th two large white Deer seen at Kessingland, presumably Fallow.

Red Admirals
and Painted Ladies were noted arriving in off the sea for much of the day on the 22nd, unfortunately they were easily outnumbering the migrant birds! Several Large Whites were still on the wing as well. All three species were still enjoying the balmy weather on the 24th, and a Speckled Wood was in Belle Vue Park as well.

Red Admirals and Painted Ladies were again observed arriving in from the sea on the 26th. At this rate we'll soon have seen more migrant butterflies than birds! One Hummingbird Hawk-moth was seen in Kessingland on the 26th, and an Emperor Dragonfly was seen at Gunton the same day.

A Clouded Yellow was seen at Gunton Warren on the 27th, also seen during the day were Red Admiral, Peacock, Comma, Painted Lady and Small Tortoiseshell.

Another bumper day for butterflies on the 29th with plenty of Red Admirals and Painted Ladies around, as well as the odd Peacock. A Large White was also merrily egg laying on plants around the bowling green at Sparrows Nest Park. A pair of Common Darters were egg laying in tandem at Corton Woods as well on the 29th, and with Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Collared Doves in song you could be forgiven for thinking it was a spring day.